Archive | February, 2010

Jozzan <3

28 Feb

I what you all to se my darling Jozzan ❤ One of my oldest friends! How is always their fore me!


28 Feb

I just have to say, yesterday a guy died, my friend’s friend so I just say Rest in Peace.

I know it’s not the right time to complain… But… I need to a little. Today when I and Jozzan was sitting here and was chatting with some friends over msn one of them said to jozzan: Oh I thought you were at Puls, I saw your friend there. And after a little while Jozzan asked how he had seen. And he told os: Yeah the bigger girl…

Okay I know I shouldnt get sad… And I know that ppl like me anyway, both as a friend and the sexual way. But still… I can’t help to feel a littel pain in the chest. So now I´m more determined to lose wight! I so have to! I don’t want to be that bigger girl anymore. I want to be look at and they would think! Shit that is a nice girl!

I can tell you one more thing and that was on the bus down to the city yesterday. I saw an old friend and I said “Hi”. Then his friend said something like: Ow there you have something… And he answered: Oh NO! Even I have standards…

So I have to lose wight. It´s not that I wanted him or something, NEVER! But the guy I think I like a littel i want him to look at me, not look at me as a friend or the girl who always want attention or the girl with the big breasts. I want him to look at me as a nice girl that he wants.

Okey I have complaind enough. Bye ppl ❤

Pary, eeh no!

28 Feb

Yo minna! (it´s japanes for hi all)

I told you that tonat is going to be THE night, but I was so wrong! I dident even look good tonght! Okey it´s starts whit I was going out with Ida and Julia but thes text me and told be that they maby wasent going out at all, then Iwas allredy finicht whit everyting, my makeup and my heair everyting! I just like, okey I understad, I did so it was nothing like that. It was just a pitty, I really wanted to party whit them! Then a outher firend Madde text me and askt me if I was going to Puls and I: Yeah I´m so comming!

Then later on when i was in the city i foud some outer friends going to the same place as I was so I whent whit them, it was fun! We talkt and had a drink before going inside Puls. When we was in we danst, and I foud Madde and we danst as well! It was too fun! Then Ida and Julia text and tolde me there were as well going down to Puls. I went looking for them, and the gard told me there was no way they should come in, it was full at Puls… I was thinking what to do now? :O And I text back and told them i was going out of Puls, I had allredy lost my friends and was alone at Puls. So I went out to meet Julia and Ida. We went to Brasseriet and it was fun there! We talked a little and huge and kiss! Like friends do! I love them so mouth! Ida Jenny, Julia and Jessica ❤ you are the best! one after that we all went home. No its 02,00 army time here.

Okey sorry to just be complaining but i did think this is the night!.. (-.-‘) Okey then by and good night


27 Feb

Hi all!

Party today, going out with some friend, Ida och Julia what i know of, but i think there will be more! Yesterday was a party night too, it was ok! Maby Joel was right I didnt get as mutch attention that I need xD LOL! Hate myself for that, but nevermind, today will be a good day i hope! Here is some music

Bye minna ❤

Long time

23 Feb

I know I havent writh in a week… I´m sooo bad! 😉 Okey I can say I have lost 3 kg in 2 weeks. I think thats good… Whats not good is that I totaly forgot about my exersises, and I have not started agen whit them! I dont know why…

I have been sick now in maby tree days not fever thats good but everyting els you can have when you have a cold. But I think I´m going to be better soon! ^^,

Okey I can say one thing about my last week (I had a holiday) it was STRAGE! Just really spooky! Like I was out drinking wine at a thirsday! And on friday I was an a consert -> Skindred <- and Suterday I was out once agen! And when I was out on Suterday a lot of unpressent things heppend. I dont know if I actually can tell you what. But one thing I van say is that one of the gars on my favorit pupp whants to go out and take a coffie whit me! That is so strage!

Okey must go but I have to tell you more soon!

Love Madden


11 Feb

I just remember that you ppl have no idea who I am. So here is some fakts.

Name: Eva Madelene Ekeroth

Age: 91-08-06 (i´ts meens that i will soon be 19)

Family: Mother Anette, Father Mikael and my little brother Alexander.

Animals: A dog Sigge, two rodent animals… And a lot of fish.

If you want to know more about my personality you have to give a coment ^^

Bye ❤

So Good!

11 Feb

I have my day off today! And i´ts a amazing day! The sun is shining – 5 c here and I have sought job. Just on my old job. Then i will be working with old ppl and their old ppl lives.

I´m thinking of if I should go out and walk the dog. And no I havent clean my room yet. And no I havent done my homework either. But I think i´ts cool I have all day long do to it ^^

Love Madden

O, My

10 Feb

I have sind today! I ate a hole cookie! It was a snickers cookie at one of the moste popular cafées here in Borås, Viskan.I was there with  4 of my girlfriends, Jenny, Julia, Josefine (one of them) and Ida. ^^ We have started a book club 😀 yeey. And I LOVE to read! If you think about it its not that good to love to read. You sit still a lot! And that is not good for me. But wtf I sit here twentyfore/seven so…

It was choir today. We are singing teenage dirtbag, Pink whit Pleas do not leave me, and Agnes whit release me. I am singing the solo at Agnes song and i really suck! Fuck i Hate it! Last time i did it well but today… I lost rhythm. It’s so embarrassing! The outer girl who also sing that song is sooo fucking good! I really embarrassed myself out.

Btw with the exercises Im doing I will do them today as well but not right now, so I say it’s the same as yesterday! Today I think a eat good… Okay not the cookie! But the rest. I ate… Maby 3 och 4 sandwiches…

Tomorrow im free from school, Okay I have 3 or 4 things I have to do. But if I do not clean my room tomorrow my mom will kill me… xD tehe…

Okey bye and love Madde


9 Feb

Its night time now and I just have to say that carrots is yummy!  Why are we not eating mor carrots? :O Its good fore menny things! Like your skin! You get faster brown at summer, and i heard somewere that ist good fore your eyes!

At my exercises the resolt is: 10×3 situpps 10 pushups 10×2 back lifts.

I think i want to look at yoga… I will googel it ^^

then night ❤

The Sims 3

9 Feb

*evel lath* I just Love the sims! I think I have all the games! ^^, and if there is someone out there that wants some cheast on the sims 3 i have them!

Kommentera gärna och säg vad ni tycker!

(In Swedish)

Här kommer en lista på olika saker som kan vara bra/roligt att veta:

Var man hittar dödsfisk, vampyrfisk och robotfisk:
Dödsfisken hittar du på kyrkogården tillsammans med vampyrfisken. Robotfisken finns i dammen bakom forskningsanläggningen.

ansjovis – tomat

mört – äpple

guldfisk – sallad

strykarkattfisk – ost

regnbågsforell – ägg

manet – vad som helst

lipsill – vad som helst

tonfisk – lök

siamesisk kattfisk – paprika

tragisk clownfisk – vattenmelon

blåsfisk – potatis

piraya – mört

lax – lime

svart guldfisk – guldfisk

svärdfisk – ansjovis

haj – lipsill

skalare – strykarkattfisk

vampyrfisk – vitlök

robotfisk – piraya

hummer – tonfisk

Teleportera din sim:
Tryck Ctrl+Shift+C för att öppna consolen, skriv in “TestingCheatsEnabled” eller “TestingCheatsEnabled True”. Nu håller du in shift-knappen och trycker någonstans på marken, så ska det stå “teleport me here”.

Trait Ändring:
Efter att “testingcheatsenabled true” har aktiverats, håll in shift-knappen och tryck på din aktiva sim. Sen trycker du på “Edit traits”.

Fusk Console:
I spelet tryck [ctrl]+[shift]+C för att öppna consolen och skriv in följande text för att aktivera fusk:

testingcheatsenabled – testfusk på objekt

Efter att du skrivit in “testingcheatsenabled” så kan du skriva in dessa fusk:
Fuskkod – Resultat:

help – Visa de flesta fusk i consolen

Kaching – 1,000 Simoleoner

Motherlode – 50,000 Simoleoner

shazaam – +2,500 lifetime happiness

ändra hunger/blåsa/energi/social/glad: [shift]+dra på blåsa/hunger/etc-mätarna med musknappen

freerealestate – Alla tomter är gratis

modify traits – Ändra traits, [shift]+klicka(mus) på din Sim sedan välj “modify traits”.

add to household – Teleportera aktiverad sim till ditt hus.

set age [number] – Ändra ålder på sim

edit in cas – Ändra utseende/trais

set career [career/level] – Ge vald Sim en karriär, [SHIFT]+klicka(MUS) på Brevlådan, välj sedan “set career”

force opportunity – [Shift]+klicka(mus) på huset där du jobbar för att få en möjlighet(?).

force event – [Shift]+klicka(mus) på en karriärsbyggnad för att tvinga fram en event.

force all events – -||- all -||-

force service sim [name] – Tvinga en service Sim att visa sig, [Shift]+klicka på brevlådan

force visitor – Tvinga en granne att visa sig, [Shift]+klicka(mus) på brevlådan

make me know everyone – Aktiv Sim känner alla, [Shift]+klicka(mus) på brevlådan

make friends for me – Aktiv Sim får massa vänner, [Shift]+klicka(mus) på brevlådan

make happy – Alla i hushållet blir glada, [Shift]+klicka(mus) på brevlådan

make motives [static or dynamic] – Är inte helt säker på vad denna gör. [Shift]+klicka(mus) på brevlådan

unlockOutfits [on or off] – Lås upp alla karriärsutstyrslar i Skapa-en-sim

moveObjects [on or off] – Du kan flytta det mesta i stort sett vart du vill.

resetSim [first name] [last name] – Sim hamnar i säker plats i hemmet

constrainFloorElevation [true or false] – Du kan ändra terräng på ställen där sims eller objekt står.

disableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt [on or off] – Objekt fastnar inte på vissa platser där de annars skulle (on)

fadeObjects [on or off] – Objekt blir genomskinliga när kameran(zooma in) går nära

snapObjectsToAngle [true or false] – 45 graders vinkel istället för 90 graders när du roterar föremål

snapObjectsToGrid [true or false] – Rutnät

hideHeadlineEffects [on or off] – visa prata-/tänkbubblor ovanför Sims huvud

jokePlease – Visa slumpmässigt skämt i console

enablellamas [on or off] – Llamas meddelande av/på

slowMotionViz: [0-8] – Slow motion; 0 är normal, 8 är långsammast

testingCheatsenabled [true or false] – Enable testing cheats

fps [on or off] – Visa FPS i högra hörnet av skärmen

fullscreen [on or off] – Full screen

quit – Avsluta spel