Archive | March, 2010


26 Mar
Day one: awake 15 h!


25 Mar

From this day one for a weak I will se how mutch i can stay up! ^^ So this is day one!


25 Mar

Happy Waffle day! ^^

I think you all allow need a waffle song!

Love, cute… SPOOKY!

24 Mar

Omg ~~ I don’t know what it’s with me!! Kill me… No plz don’t. But I really feel spooky! I want Someone to say that too me! Why wont anyone say it! Okay I know that my friends tell me that all the time! But not the one I want it to say it… I know im ridicules! My time will come someday. I know that i have a hard time with feelings in general, so why do I want everyone to sey theres to me? It’s just spooky. Just… No its no way it will happen…

Sorry for this spooky post! Just spread peace love and understanding to me! Eh no to all ppl in the world I ment ^^

Sick, agen?

22 Mar

Yo Minna-san! ^^,

Right now… Okay not right now at this second but now in like a phase in life! I’m watching like so much anime! Okay I so love it, but it’s not so good to look at it all the time! ^^,

Yesterday I was watching new moon ❤ I so love it!! And no it’s not because there muscles are like heaven, but I love the story <3. The books are better than the film of course. And the moste beautiful thing that Edward is saying to Bella in the howl book it’s not even in the film!!! What is that? :O Its make me sad! But just for you minna here you go Edwards love confession to Bella

“Before you, my life was like a moonless night. Very dark, but there where stars – points of light and reasons… And then you shot across my sky like a meteor. Suddenly everything was on fire; there was brilliancy, there was beauty. When you were gone, when the meteor had fallen over the horizon, everything went black. nothing had changed, but my eyes were blinded by the light. I chouldn´t see the stars enemore.And there was no more reason for anything.”

Today im sick, I don’t know what I did, but I were close to get migraine. You know, when your vision get blinded and the dark is crowing from the sides. Or there is back spots so you can not really see what you want to see. Yeah I hope it will be gone soon!

Today aswell, my main point, my little light of this day I saw and listened Jonas Hassen Khemiri that is an author! Hi has written plays, novels and tree books! His is so cute ^^, and funny! Hi talked about the language and its powers. And how language is a really important to us. It was really interesting to listen to! Hi is a really good talker!

Why did Jonas come and talk for us at Bäckäng today!? Yeah its like this, we have something thats calld language and books week. And that is what we haver right now! Its fun! i found two books i needed in one of Nora Robersts book series. Blue dahlia, Black rose and Red lilly! I have read Blue dahlia. A really good book of a really good auter!

Last few days + Death

20 Mar


nothing happened really, it was a bad day because my teacher told me that I have to get better in school! I told hear thou that I havent feeling so well the past few month. I think its spring depression! So that made me kind of sad and some of my friends made me really irritated. But its cool now, I don’t like to be angry!


This was the worst day ever! I was tired and irritated at everything and that happened! It was a huge car crash, a truck had smash a car! It was an old lady inside and I went there to help! I ask them that was standing there if they needed any help! They were all panic and in shock so they needed me! I had my head cool! I always have keep my head cool in a situation like that! But they yelled at me, “are you a doc!?” I told them I was no doc, and then “no then we do not need your help” I saw the old lady inside the car… I can´t forget her face! But I heard the ambulance so I thought mabey I can´t do anything no! They i prayed that the lady was going to make it! She didn’t, she died. And I went to shock, I was shaking all day after that, I was thinking mabey if I had done something she would be alive! -> <- that’s the article that was made after that. And think of her family! Mabey im the one that made her family so sad! I know I couldn’t do more that I did, but… After that I went to a went to our college in town, We were talking death and if death is something we should eradicate! It was really tough to listen to that professor talking about that! When I now know how fragile life is! But it went well. I went home and cried, and slept.


Yesterday I just had psychology and philosophy class. It went well! At philosophy class we talk about death agen, we talked about what we had lirnd on the philosophy café the day before. And i told my teacher about the car smash. She understood. After school me and some friends went shopping for a b-day gift and then we went to get some pizza! At night we went to Simon´s place and had a before party… We drank hand had a really good time! We allow went to the pub! A new rock pub has open in town and it was really cool! Manny rockers and cool ppl! I mabey did something I shouldnt have done, I made out with a friend’s friend. And he wanted me to come to hes place! I didn’t, of course! I’m not that kind of girl who sleeps with random ppl!

Saturday, Today!

Today will be fun, I’m going to a b-day party soon and then we are going to bowl with Ida´s friends. Then at night! PARTY ❤


17 Mar

Every morning when I wake up or just before I go to school I have a really bad feeling, its like tithing in my stomach and I can just think “Do I really need to go to school today?”


16 Mar

Hi everyone agen! : ) Sorry for last post! Okay now we take new page to the land of fashion!

This summer something horrible will invade the stores in Sweden its the shoulder pads monster! They will eat you and swallow you with in a minute! This monster has to be stopt! So plz join my Swedish group on Facebook

I know its in swedish but plz help us!


16 Mar

I’m home everyone! Arent you glad to hear from me? No I understand, me nether. I’m so tired of all, of my self, of school everything! I don’t know I just want to lay down in my bed and read manga! Thats everything I want right now. Or mabey go on a trip! Go to a place that its worm and I can watch sexy man that’s have nothing on their chest… *droll*

I have a Psychology test tomorrow… I just have to read some pages in the book that will be cool! But my philosophy and social studies test just suck!


15 Mar

It have been a really nice day! I but im a little disappointed in myself! I didnt study as i really need to! I’m a baka, a big baka!  Okay  then I will now go down to Ida my friend and help her clean hir room i think or maybe at the birds room! I understand you ppl need some good music now when i have a really nice sunny and cold day here in Sweden! wait that didnt make eny sense at all! But what the f*ck! (^^,)