Archive | April, 2010

B-day party

25 Apr

We had a b-day party in the garden today! My little brother is now 16 and happy b-day to you… Its a littel late here on the blog but irl I have allredy given his present! The sun was shining today and it was hot so we could sit in the gras. ❤



24 Apr

… will be good, this will be ok! Im going to make it happend!


15 Apr

Okay I’m pretty disappointed that no one told me something about starting to write in Swedish.

But here is a blog that I´m wrighting in Swedish, and it´s about rich and poor and about the Society!


15 Apr

I was thinking that I mabye should go back to whright in Swedish. But I don’t know, what do you guys think?


11 Apr

I love them they are mabey 14 cm! It do hurt when I walk in them but it is so worth it! I will have thous at pram!


7 Apr

I have found my dress for pram now! What do you think? ^^,

I can just say that I´m in love with it! ❤


3 Apr

I love dancing! I went out to celebrate that my project was thirst and we drank and we danced and it was just awesome! I love my friends so match and for the really first time I heard, you are Cool! And i belive it! I have a really hard time to belive a comment like that ❤ I just say I love you all so match! But after we danced so match so My back and legs are hurt! It was a great time ❤ Its easter now btw. so Happy Easter : ) and how to celebrate that? I don’t know mabey! The pub! Need to go and shower now ❤

Love from a happy Madden


1 Apr

It’s like I have been dead for a weeks time and now, I´M ALIVE ❤

The last day

1 Apr

Hi all, I know I haven written in a while but that’s are because I have written on my project. It´s allmoste done. It´s just the last things we have to do now. xD It feels like it have take forever to do this but we did it in a week. xD Okay it could be better if we started a year ago that we should have done. But… WTF. I have just slept mabey 4 h a day in a weeks time now. So im kind of tired. The third day we stayed up, I fell a sleep with the pencil still in my hand. I woke up and wrote somethings and then fell a sleep agen, I nearly can’t remember this. Tonight, I will not even sleep for a sec, I do not have time for that. I made time to write this now, and I took a walk before at 02.00 (army time) just to stay awake. I have eaten a full paper bag with candy and im a little allergic to candy. But I so need the sugar to stay up. I also have an energy drink here with me, Monster, I have already drunk two today I have one left.

Music makes me to stay up also. In three h Linda will be here and we will make the last on this shit. But I do really need to focus on the project. But I so don’t want to anymore. I want this shit to be ower now! But it’s nearly cool because its ends today!! At 11.30 (army time) we will give this to our teacher and she will be so happy, she do not think we will make it. I haven been in school this week, it’s because I have done this all the time. So I have to say today because its 03.03 now (still army time), sp tonight I will get drunk to celebrate this is over! But I have to study at the holiday aswell. I have so much in school now, but still this shit is over.

One more thing before I go back to write the project that is that we are at mabey 100 + pages ^^ And it’s not finish xD Lol ❤

Bye bye ❤