O, My

10 Feb

I have sind today! I ate a hole cookie! It was a snickers cookie at one of the moste popular cafées here in Borås, Viskan.I was there with  4 of my girlfriends, Jenny, Julia, Josefine (one of them) and Ida. ^^ We have started a book club 😀 yeey. And I LOVE to read! If you think about it its not that good to love to read. You sit still a lot! And that is not good for me. But wtf I sit here twentyfore/seven so…

It was choir today. We are singing teenage dirtbag, Pink whit Pleas do not leave me, and Agnes whit release me. I am singing the solo at Agnes song and i really suck! Fuck i Hate it! Last time i did it well but today… I lost rhythm. It’s so embarrassing! The outer girl who also sing that song is sooo fucking good! I really embarrassed myself out.

Btw with the exercises Im doing I will do them today as well but not right now, so I say it’s the same as yesterday! Today I think a eat good… Okay not the cookie! But the rest. I ate… Maby 3 och 4 sandwiches…

Tomorrow im free from school, Okay I have 3 or 4 things I have to do. But if I do not clean my room tomorrow my mom will kill me… xD tehe…

Okey bye and love Madde

One Response to “O, My”

  1. Christian W February 10, 2010 at 10:47 pm #

    Let me introduce you all to Madde, as crazy as ever! Have a great week Madde and see you soon! 😀

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