Sick, agen?

22 Mar

Yo Minna-san! ^^,

Right now… Okay not right now at this second but now in like a phase in life! I’m watching like so much anime! Okay I so love it, but it’s not so good to look at it all the time! ^^,

Yesterday I was watching new moon ❤ I so love it!! And no it’s not because there muscles are like heaven, but I love the story <3. The books are better than the film of course. And the moste beautiful thing that Edward is saying to Bella in the howl book it’s not even in the film!!! What is that? :O Its make me sad! But just for you minna here you go Edwards love confession to Bella

“Before you, my life was like a moonless night. Very dark, but there where stars – points of light and reasons… And then you shot across my sky like a meteor. Suddenly everything was on fire; there was brilliancy, there was beauty. When you were gone, when the meteor had fallen over the horizon, everything went black. nothing had changed, but my eyes were blinded by the light. I chouldn´t see the stars enemore.And there was no more reason for anything.”

Today im sick, I don’t know what I did, but I were close to get migraine. You know, when your vision get blinded and the dark is crowing from the sides. Or there is back spots so you can not really see what you want to see. Yeah I hope it will be gone soon!

Today aswell, my main point, my little light of this day I saw and listened Jonas Hassen Khemiri that is an author! Hi has written plays, novels and tree books! His is so cute ^^, and funny! Hi talked about the language and its powers. And how language is a really important to us. It was really interesting to listen to! Hi is a really good talker!

Why did Jonas come and talk for us at Bäckäng today!? Yeah its like this, we have something thats calld language and books week. And that is what we haver right now! Its fun! i found two books i needed in one of Nora Robersts book series. Blue dahlia, Black rose and Red lilly! I have read Blue dahlia. A really good book of a really good auter!

One Response to “Sick, agen?”

  1. Jozzan March 22, 2010 at 3:30 pm #

    Helt fantastisk är han! Jag har nog nästan aldrig skrattat så mycket på en föreläsning, han charmade alla 😛 I WANNA BE HIS GIRLFRIEND RIGHT NOW! 🙂 så får hålla med om att han var den positiva energin som man fick idag, totalt !!!

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