Archive | March, 2010


15 Mar

Im so sad!! My dog ate my favorit shoes! My blackĀ  9 cm! F*UCK!!!!

14 Mar

Oh need to sleep now ppl! šŸ˜€ ā¤ Lots and lots of love to you all!

Windows 7

14 Mar

I’m so happy now! I finally got Windows 7 itĀ“s so match better than Windows vista!

the pic tells os everything

A plan!

14 Mar

Some time ago I had a really cool plan! I had just broken up with my x-boyfriend and i had just started to look at new handsome and cute guys, I had never seen them before! Maby that’s not so strange thou. anyhow I got an idĆ©e, I will test as many men I can! Even if it’s just like making out. And that’s what I have done now for a year! Now you thinking “SLUT” but no! I’m not slutty at all! I took thous I kind of liked and that’s was cool! I have met so many interesting ppl now this year both girls and boys. And I have made so many new friends! I love them all! But my hunt for sexy men in jeans are over! I don’t want it anymore!Ā  Now I want a relationship that I know will last! Many of my best friends have boyfriends that they love more than anything! And im envious, but obvious im really happy for them! ā¤

Okay then you now know my plan for last year! This year (I know we are in Mars now but it was in February last year I made up my plan) I will trye to get a boyfriend. I do have someone in mind, but he will never ever look my way I know that. I’m not in love so plz do not think that. I don’t think I can fall in love agen! My ex made really deep scars, I don’t think they can heal. It’s really sad, I want to fall in love. I want to be like one of my best friends Jozzan she finds a boy that she dates for a while and sometimes it goes well sometimes it just don’t. I do feel sorry for hir that she havent find the boy that she can be with, whiteout complications.

I know I have met many new friends and I have met many good and bad men. But still I havent ben really dating. And thats clearly want I want now. So I have a list what the boy need to be or have! But its a looong list! So i just say tree things!

  1. Confidence
  2. Loving
  3. Understanding

It do not have to be in that order.

Now I have to continue cleaning my room xD You don’t want to see how it was looking! LOL! (okay I rally do hate that word… LOL its horrible but sometimes it do fit the situation)

Love Madden


10 Mar

I know that have a lot of porn on it and really spooky shit as well but they have really good things too!

Like this one

You will find this thing on Anime/Cute /c/ or at Anime/Wallpaper /w/

Nice song

9 Mar

David Cook Time of my life


9 Mar
I’mĀ running aroundĀ and around
IĀ don’t know where I am or were I came from!
But there I’m standing right now is so beautiful
TheĀ treesĀ are reaching for the blue sky.
Flowers are crawlingĀ at the ground
GivingĀ the soil colorĀ and softness
I can hear the ocean
I can smell of the salt and of the flowers at the ground
I can feel the grassĀ and flowers under my bare feet,
I can feel the sun worming my pale skin
I can feel the wind in my hair
ItĀ“s Beautiful, I think I can stay here for a while
Even thouĀ I’m lost, and my heart tell me that im missing something
I think I can be Happy here, at this Beautiful spot on earth

International Women’s Day <3

8 Mar

(the first lenk is in swedish)Ā 

Ā This next lenk is a butifull song ā¤Ā 

Today is the International Women’s Day! So Go Women go! ā¤


8 Mar

Hi all!

Fuck, you know what!? Im at school! And Im free from school today! How sick isent that!? :O We have to studdy at ouer PA(Project Work [Arbete in Swedish])…


7 Mar

I have a pain in my leg! Yesterday was mutchĀ fun btw! We dansed, drank and lathĀ a lot šŸ™‚